
Change IP in Plesk

IP change in Plesk is not trivial task)))) even if you read all the documentations :)

So if you decide to change IP in Plesk but you can not do this via Plesk panel you should:

1) read this KB http://kb.parallels.com/en/943

2) add new IP

3) do the trick in Plesk DB


mysql -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow

mysql> show databases;

mysql> use psa;

mysql> show tables;

mysql> select * from IP_Addresses;

Now you should see a list of IPs you should delete new IP

mysql> delete from IP_Addresses where id=<your new_ip id>

mysql> quit

/usr/local/psa/bin/reconfigurator.pl <map file>


Do not forget to edit DNS records.

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